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Asking for a raise? Here’s how to approach it

Posted on June 4, 2024

A raise is a key milestone in your career, making you feel valued and boosting motivation. But asking for one can be daunting! Here are some strategies to smartly and professionally broach the subject of a salary increase. With strong arguments, a realistic proposal, and perfect timing, you can greatly improve your chances.

How to ask for a raise?

Preparation is crucial. Identify the right person to discuss your raise – usually, it's your direct supervisor in smaller companies, or the HR department in larger organizations. Arm yourself with a convincing motivation and solid arguments. Highlight your contributions, successes, and the measurable impact of your work.

How much raise to ask for?

The amount of raise you request should align with your performance and industry standards. Excessively high or low proposals can hinder negotiations. Do thorough research to understand the market rate for your role and experience level and assess your own contributions and impact on the organization.

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When to ask for a raise?

Timing is key. Look for a moment when the company is doing well, such as after a successful project or positive developments in your department. Plan a separate meeting with your boss to ensure they have the time and mindset to listen to your proposal.

What if the answer is no?

A rejection is not the end. Use it as an opportunity to get feedback and understand what improvements are needed for future consideration. Stay professional and demonstrate your commitment to growth and development.

For more tips on maximizing your chances in salary negotiations, check out our blog 'First Aid for Evaluation Talks'. This guide will help you navigate feedback conversations and improve your prospects for a positive outcome in the future.

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