Werknemers van Vivaldis

Working at Vivaldis means … being involved everywhere

Posted on May 6, 2024

Our "Joie de Vivaldis" doesn't just appear out of nowhere. It's the result of a team that's dynamic, achieves goals, and always seeks personal and professional growth. This can only happen if you are closely involved in your job. Naina Shaheen, Team Captain at Vivaldis Interim Kortrijk, shares what having an involved employer means to her and how it contributes to her job satisfaction.

More than just an executing role

"In June 2017, Vivaldis came into my life. It was my first job," Naina recalls. "And look, seven years later, I'm still here. That says something. Looking back, I realize how important it is for me not to have a purely executing job. Instead, I have an employer who involves me in everything: distributing tasks, setting priorities, discussing figures, improving internal processes, discussing tactical actions…"

I find it important to know what I have contributed to.

Working together towards a goal

"At our weekly office meeting, we divide up the work and review the figures together. I find it important to know what I have contributed to, even on a larger scale. For instance, our office can set its own goals for the next year. We then present this office plan to the other offices in our cluster. And in January, the entire Vivaldis is invited to the annual kick-off meeting where we discuss what we've achieved in the past year, where we stand, and where we want to go."

A photo of Naina Shaeen

Are our noses 👃 facing the same direction?

Then we look forward to meeting you!

Being heard

"At Vivaldis, you really get a lot of freedom and trust to shape your job yourself. From day one, I received the necessary support. If I ever doubt something or encounter a problem, I can always go to my cluster coach for advice."

If you provide feedback from the ground, it's really acted upon internally.

"Because our feedback is listened to, the onboarding process is now even better and more comprehensive than before. It's like this with everything: if you provide feedback from the ground, it's really acted upon internally. A sense of initiative is appreciated and rewarded. Regular checks are made to see if something can be improved, for example, through a survey about job happiness. At Vivaldis, your voice is heard by colleagues, the cluster coach, HR, and the headquarters. It feels great."

Interested in being part of an involved team?