Een werknemer die lacht

10 commandments for more work happiness

Posted on May 28, 2024

How do you find that happiness at work? And how do you stay happy too? Those who keep these ten commandments for more happiness at work are well on their way.

1. Above all, surround yourself with a nice team

Together you achieve much more, this is also true at work. A colleague with whom it clicks well is therefore a real bringer of happiness. You jump in for each other, learn from each other and have so much more fun!

2. Thou shalt always see humor in everything

An annoying client, yet another bad hair day or too long in a traffic jam? Put setbacks into perspective and put on your rose-colored glasses! We bet that life will suddenly be better again.

3. Sacred moments of pause & fire

Give your brain a short break several times a day. Not in the mood for a game of darts with your colleague or a social lunch break? Go get coffee, take a walk or do some yoga exercises at your desk chair ... Isn't that great, that me-time! Read all our tips for staying fit at work.

4. Develop your talents

Want to avoid a bore-out? Then learn something new every day. That way you keep challenging yourself. And remember: those who never make mistakes can't learn anything from them either. So put your fears aside and call that French-speaking colleague.

5. Don't clutter, don't disturb peace

A clean desk is a clean head. So put on your power song (not too loud, for your colleagues) and clean up that clutter. A new calendar and post-its in a fun color will create a positive vibe. Just what you need on a Monday morning.


Een werknemer die lacht

6. Of your sitting position you are aware

Take care of your back and neck, after all, they have to last a while. Therefore adjust the height of your desk, go for a quality office chair and pay attention to your sitting posture. Byebye aches and pains, hello concentration!

7. Take care of your emotional well-being

Everyone has a hard day sometimes. Do they follow each other faster than they used to? Step in time to your Chief Happiness Officer and ask for advice. Or tackle your work stress with a well-deserved day off and enjoy a day of wellness.

8. You can miss control and coercion like a sore thumb

The biggest motivator? Having the space to choose your tasks, hours and goals yourself. That's how you learn to take more initiative and be more creative. The proof that micromanagement really is passé.

9. Enjoy your benefits to their full extent

Fortunately, fringe benefits are well established. Does your employer give you free coffee, a fitness subscription or ironing checks? Then make 100% use of them and enjoy your moment!

10. Accept and be grateful for every pat on the back

A heartfelt well done, a post-it that makes you smile or a thank-you coffee brought to you by your colleague.... Receive compliments and pats on the back with open arms. After all, it's the little goodies that do the trick.

Need help in your quest for more happiness at work?

Stop by at Vivaldis!