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Do's and don'ts for a motivation letter that makes an impact

Posted on June 4, 2024

Your motivation letter is your first chance to stand out to a potential employer. Want to leave an unforgettable impression? Craft a letter that highlights your unique qualities. With our essential do's and don'ts for a strong motivation letter, you can increase your chances of landing that first interview.

Do's for a strong motivation letter

#1 Make it personal and authentic

Nobody wants a boring, generic letter. Let your personality shine through your writing and be creative while keeping the company's style in mind.

#2 Tailor it to the organization

Are you applying to multiple organizations or for different roles? Customize your motivation letter for each. Show that you understand the company culture and have thoroughly reviewed the job posting.

#3 Clear, concise, and compelling

Keep it simple. Employers appreciate direct and clear communication. Get straight to the point, write accessibly, and keep it brief – one A4 page is enough.

#4 Address the organization's needs

The job posting will outline the company's needs. Address these in your letter and explain how your attributes, skills, and experience can meet them. Avoid writing from an 'I' perspective; focus on what you can do for the employer.

#5 Focus on positive vibes

Emphasize your strengths and positive contributions. Write optimistically and confidently.

2 ping-pong balls with a cheque symbol and a cross

Don'ts for a strong motivation letter

#1 Avoid typos and spelling errors

Mistakes in your letter might suggest carelessness or lack of interest. Always have someone proofread your letter to avoid any sloppiness.

#2 Steer clear of generalities and clichés

'Creative all-rounders' and 'team players' are everywhere. Focus on what truly makes you unique and illustrate with specific examples.

#3 Don’t repeat your resume

Use your motivation letter to delve deeper into your experience and personality, not to reiterate what’s already on your resume.

#4 Leave out weaknesses

Highlight your strengths and what you can offer the company in your motivation letter. You want to convince, not deter, your potential employer.

Een bureau met een laptop, schrijfgerief, koffie, post-its

Building a good motivation letter

  • Start with a personal address: If you know the recipient of your letter, start with a personal greeting to make a good first impression.
  • Grab attention with a strong opening: Think of a compelling first sentence or paragraph that relates to the job you're applying for.
  • Personal motivation: The most crucial part of your letter. Explain what appeals to you about the company and role. Use traits, experiences, and specific examples to show why you're a good fit.
  • Concluding strongly: End with a conclusion that exudes enthusiasm for the role. Indicate that you'd love to explain your letter and resume in person.

Ready to write a show-stopper of a letter? You've got this! 👊

For more tips on your motivation letter and resume, also read:

👉 7 tips to create a stellar resume
👉 Checklist for references in your application
👉 A convincing motivation letter

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