Year-end bonus

Posted on April 30, 2024
Contract & salary

What is a year-end bonus?

A year-end bonus is a nice little extra you receive at the end of the year, in addition to your regular salary. The exact amount varies, but it's usually about an extra month's salary. That's why many people call it a "13th month."

It's important to know that this bonus is considered income, so you'll have to pay taxes and social security contributions on it. But it's always great to have some extra money for the holidays!

Do temporary workers have a right to a year-end bonus?

Absolutely! If you've worked at least 65 days or 494 hours as a temporary worker between July 1 of last year and June 30 of this year, you're eligible for this extra reward. If you've received a permanent contract after your temp period, you only need to have worked 60 days or 456 hours in the same period. All your temp jobs count, not just those through Vivaldis.

How do you get this bonus?

Well, if you meet the work requirements, you'll automatically receive a form from the Social Fund for Temporary Workers in December. Fill it out and return it to them or take it to the union. Once they have everything, they'll simply deposit the year-end bonus into your bank account.

Want to know if you're eligible?

The Social Fund for Temporary Workers determines who's eligible for this bonus. You can always contact them through this website: They're happy to help!