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Prevention Day: avoid stress while working from home!

Posted on April 26, 2024

Do you like to plan a work-from-home day? Pause to consider the pros and cons of remote working. Prepare and prevent stress. Ask yourself these seven questions to ensure a stress-free home office experience.

1. Where is my home office?

Choose a spot to transform into your own office space. This helps keep work and private life separate. While the kitchen table or couch may seem cozy, an ergonomic place with some privacy is better. Sit in a sturdy office chair on your work-from-home day; maintaining a good posture is essential. Stack some books under your laptop to raise it to eye level.

2. How do I make my workspace pleasant?

A cozy workspace contributes to your job satisfaction! Decorate your home office space immediately with a fun photo, a small plant, or a fresh bouquet of flowers.

3. How do I plan my work-from-home day?

Are you available in your home office during regular business hours, or is your schedule flexible? Decide this for yourself first. Taking a break or finished with your workday? Leave work materials like your laptop at your workspace to avoid the temptation of sending a quick email during your free time. This is a common pitfall of working from home.

4. Am I dressed to impress?

Maintain your morning routine, even if you're not physically going to work. Wake up at your regular time, take a refreshing shower, and dress to impress. Pajamas or sweatpants don’t give you the energy you need to start your workday. Choose an outfit you would wear to the office, even when working from home.

5. How are my colleagues doing?

Working from home means you don't see your colleagues in person. But you don't have to skip your morning coffee chat! Start your work-from-home day with a video call to catch up with your colleagues. Bet it gives you a boost because you're not working 'alone.'

6. Am I fully focused on my job?

Behave as if you're in the office when working from home. Ask your roommate, partner, and kids not to distract you. Put household tasks aside for now. Introduce variety in your workday to stay productive. Is the cleaning service coming? Don’t schedule a video call or complex analysis during that time. Align your plans with your temporary coworkers as much as possible.

7. Should I take a break?

If your thoughts wander, that's when you're creative, and your brain gets a chance to recover. Don't be tempted to work through; breaks are very important during a work-from-home day. Spend 10 minutes in the garden, take a walk around the block, or make a delicious smoothie... You’re at home and have the luxury to tailor your day as you wish. Take advantage of it!

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