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Surviving your first workday at a new job

Posted on June 17, 2024

It's happening, you've landed your ideal job, and your first day is just around the corner. Exciting, but relax! With the right preparation and a positive mindset, you'll head home feeling good and stress-free.

1. Punctuality is key!

Arriving late on your first day is a no-go, but showing up way too early isnโ€™t ideal either. If your day starts at 9 am, aim to arrive about fifteen minutes early. This shows responsibility and gives you time to get acclimated before the busy day begins.

2. Clothing tip: wear your favorite outfit

Want to make a good first impression with your new boss? Consider your outfit. Dress according to the company culture and your role, ensuring your clothes are clean and neat. Feel free to wear your favorite outfit if it looks presentable. Comfort in your clothes radiates confidence.

3. Hello, I'm your new colleague!

Make eye contact, smile, and introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Engage in conversations and show interest in others. A friendly approach breaks the ice and sets a pleasant working atmosphere from the start in your new team.

Lachende mensen op de werkvloer

4. Observe, take notes, repeat

Expect an information overload on your first day. Listen attentively, watch how colleagues approach tasks, and take notes! Forgetting is human. Your notes will be invaluable in the following days and weeks.

5. Be curious and ask questions!

Nobody expects you to know everything on the first day. Don't hesitate to ask if something isn't clear. Curiosity and eagerness to learn are traits that colleagues appreciate and will help you on your journey.

6. Roll up your sleeves

Show that youโ€™re proactive and take initiative where possible. Offer help, suggest ideas, and display enthusiasm. This helps you integrate into the team faster and proves youโ€™re a valuable addition.

Feeling some stress? That's normal! Just be yourself and enjoy the start of this new chapter. Good luck! ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ€

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