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7 tips to maintain your work-life balance

Posted on June 4, 2024

Is chaos reigning both at work and home? Want to get it under control? It all starts with a healthy work-life balance. Once you achieve this balance, you'll navigate stressful situations with ease and experience more job satisfaction. Follow these 7 tips to rebalance your work and personal life and maintain it.

1. Count your working hours

In a standard 38-hour workweek, each day should include 7.5 hours of work. To avoid overloading, list the tasks to be completed within this timeframe. If you consistently need more than 38 hours per week, it’s time to discuss this with your manager, especially if you're sacrificing personal time for work tasks.

Discuss with your manager where your priorities lie and how you can organize your work more efficiently. Do you feel that you need to delegate some of your tasks to someone else? If so, let them know. After all, your boss also benefits from having their employees happy in their workplace.

2. Find your job satisfaction

If you're managing your time well but still feel uneasy about your job, reflect on your job responsibilities. Identify tasks that fulfill you and those that cause frustration. Discuss these insights with your manager, ideally during a performance review.

Een bureaumedewerker met een hond op z'n schoot

3. Make choices in your personal life

If you're struggling to recharge at home, make deliberate choices. Decide how much quality time to spend with family, when to have me-time, and when to do household chores. Consider getting help from family members or hiring domestic assistance, allowing you more time for relaxation and enjoyment.

4. Set boundaries at work and home

Discuss your daily schedule with both your partner and supervisor. Make agreements about what’s important to you and where your limits are. For example, if picking up your kids from school and having dinner together is a priority, schedule it and leave work on time.

5. Learn to say no

If you find yourself always saying yes, it’s time to set firmer boundaries. Ask yourself: Do I need to be involved in this? If the answer isn’t convincing, choose relaxation instead. If saying no is challenging, consider seeking a coach to help manage work stress.

Iemand die aan het werken is op de laptop, met een kat tussen de armen

6. Smartly structure your workday

Tackle demanding tasks requiring concentration early in the day. If these take longer than expected, you can catch up later with simpler, routine tasks. If commuting eats into your time, consider working from home to save on travel time, provided you can maintain a good work-life balance.

Are you losing a lot of time commuting? Consider working from home more often. This can save you easily one to two hours of travel time. Except... if you have too many distractions at home. Or if you already struggle to close your laptop at the end of the day. In that case, first ensure a good work-life balance with the previous five tips.

7. Consider part-time work or extended leave

If you’re adjusting to life with a newborn or caring for a family member, you might need more time and flexibility. Consider part-time work or taking thematic leave, like parental or caregiver leave. Discuss the options with your supervisor or HR department.

Thinking about a new job to better balance work and life?

Seek advice from our employment consultants.