Een werknemer die lacht

Your guide to navigating performance reviews

Posted on May 28, 2024

Got a performance review on the horizon and feeling jittery? Relax! A performance review is an opportunity to discuss your work achievements and challenges with your manager over the recent months. It might seem daunting, but it's incredibly beneficial: with thorough preparation and the right mindset, you can extract significant value from it. Follow these tips, and you'll leave the review with confidence.

#1 Start with self-reflection

Don't go in unprepared. Consider the questions you might be asked and your responses. Also, think about topics you want to initiate. Struggling to articulate your thoughts clearly? Writing them down in advance can be very helpful. Consider these guiding questions:

  • How did you perceive the past period?
  • Did you meet the set objectives?
  • In what ways can you enhance your performance?
  • What future goals do you have?
  • How can your employer support your endeavors?

#2 Prepare for a dialogue, not a monologue

Remember, a performance review isn't just about receiving feedback. Your manager will have questions, but it's also your chance to raise issues or suggestions. Do you require specific training? How does remote working impact your performance? Are you maintaining a healthy work-life balance? Use this opportunity to discuss these aspects.

Een werknemer die lacht

#3 View the review as an opportunity, not a threat

A performance review is a prime time for self-development. If you receive criticism, avoid getting defensive. Stay composed, listen attentively, and share your perspective. Tip: Focus not only on areas needing improvement but also on the positive feedback you receive.

#4 Aim for solutions, not just analysis

If you want to suggest improvements, be critical but constructive. Think about potential solutions. What role do you play in any issues? How can you avoid or resolve similar situations in the future? Discuss how your manager can assist in reducing work-related stress.

#5 Discuss salary increases tactfully

Think you're due for a raise or a bonus? (After all, those new shoes aren't going to buy themselves.) Present concrete reasons for why you deserve more. Convincingly demonstrating your value to the team or company increases your chances of a positive response.

Ready for a career switch?

If your performance review didn't go as planned, it might be time to ponder a career change. Unsure about switching jobs?